Short lengths of silk, as from broken cocoons, which are spun like staple fibers.
Examples for "silk waste"
Examples for "silk waste"
1The entire apparatus is placed in a box, B, lined with silk waste and provided with a cover, C, of the same structure.
2Silk waste and thread are cheaper than ever before so that velvet costs much less than formerly.
1Wasting historical burning, wasting perfume and juice and all that, wasting silk and a machine, wasting all that.
2Waste silk is the silk from cocoons that are damaged in some way so that they cannot be reeled off direct.
1Ellen did not affiliate as much with Floretta as with Maria Atkins.
2Floretta returned with the bottle and placed it on the secretary beside Constance.
3Ellen felt herself very loving towards the teacher and Floretta Vining.
4Charmant complied, and when Floretta arrived her impressions were added to the others.
5And you, Floretta, see that he be admitted at all hours.
6She felt Floretta's shoulder warm through her thin sleeve against hers.
7Floretta had already received hers, and it lay in its case on her lap.
8Nobody ever expected anything of this little Floretta Vining.
9In 1894 he married Miss Floretta Seligman, daughter of James Seligman, the New York banker.
10Constance did the same, to illustrate, then called Floretta.
11Floretta's mother had a taste for the cheaply decorative.
12Floretta Vining is goin' to have a watch, too.
13Floretta screamed and blubbered; but obtained no mercy.
14We'd go to work; but Floretta, she's different.
15Then as she hung up the receiver she called, "Floretta, get me a taxi."
16Floretta opened the door to go out and through it Constance caught sight of a familiar face.
Translations for floretta